Welcome. This is a place where I hope, Christians, or seekers in the new diaspora, can meet etc.
The term ‘Wider Tribe’, originally came from my good friend and brother, Jim, (big Jim), who was a beautiful and crazy charismatic who fell out with his church. It was one of the ‘new churches’ and for some strange and inexplicable reason, he found a home in our small rural village church and became ‘part of the furniture’.
From time to time, Jim would hold a big barbecue in the grounds of his home to which he would invite Christians from far and wide, of all tribes and tongues and traditions. This, he called “The Wider Tribe”.
To Jim, this site is dedicated. I’m going to post what I feel and what strikes me at the time. You may contribute as you feel led.
The most recent posts are over there >>>>
on the right.